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Year 5

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   Its seems as if this year we got so close to graduating, but never fully finished.  With spring semester somewhat cut short, commencement postponed, and the world seemly shutting down indefinitely, life after graduation just seemed to get a lot more complicated.  Many of my classmates and professors that I saw before spring break  I will likely never see or talk to again, and there are many graduation celebrations I may never experience. While this is on the forefront of my thoughts while finishing up at UC, there are many more experiences over my last year as a student that deserve some reflection.

   My fifth and final co-op at thyssenkrupp Bilstein turned out to be my favorite of all other co-op experiences I had.  I was put in charge of an entire process, interacted with engineers, operators, mechanics, and contractors on a daily basis, and I was exposed to many different machines and engineering techniques and knowledge. I felt like I was able to really expand my confidence in my self and my abilities here, and gained a lot of connections within the company.I had the privilege to work there part time both fall and spring semester while I was in classes and continued to enjoy my time there.

   My school workload this past year was significantly less than previous years.  With most of my required courses already completed, I only need to take 12 credit hours each in my fall and spring semesters. While "senioritis" started kicking in, the lighter work load allowed me to have more time to myself and be less stressed over schoolwork.  I was able to focus on my health and fitness, and gain a better understanding of my goals for myself now and for the rest of my life.

   For good and bad, my fifth and final year at UC will surely be memorable.  The road ahead after college is muddier than ever, but hopefully, with head held high, myself and the rest of the world can come out of this epidemic better and stronger than before.

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